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White Cloud
Public School District

555 E. Wilcox Avenue
PO Box 1000 | White Cloud, MI 49349
P:(231) 689-6591
F: (231) 689-3210

Food Services & Menu

Food Services & Menu

Welcome to White Cloud Public Schools Nutrition Section!!


White Cloud Public Schools Nutrition Services is dedicated to serving healthy well balanced nutritional meals to all students in the district.  WCPS now participates Community Eligible Provision or CEP for short.  This program allows all students regardless of need to be offered both breakfast and lunch meals for free.  Parents/Guardians are no longer required to fill out the free & reduced priced meal forms to try and qualify for subsidized meals.  The District does however request that all families fill and return to the nutrition services office the Household Information Survey form.  This information is used for all other support programs such as At Risk and Title.  Without this information funds may be reduced for these programs, so it is very important all households fill this out. 

Elementary (K-5)

Breakfast 7:45am to 8:10am

The elementary serves breakfast in the classroom to start each day.  Entrée items along with a variety of fruit, juice, and milk are offered daily.


Each day there are at least two different entrees to choose from along with a hot vegetable, assorted fresh and canned fruit, and our veggie bar.  Many items are offered daily on the veggie bar which include but are limited to: fresh salad, carrots, celery sticks, broccoli, sugar snap peas, green peppers, onions, and cucumbers. A variety of ice cold milk is offered daily.

  *Students at lunch may purchase extra items in conjunction with their meal such as an extra entrée, or a milk to go with their lunch from home providing they have money in their account.  These items may not be charged.

High School/Jr. High (6-12)

This building serves all 6-12 students in one cafeteria. Menu is the same for this age group

Breakfast 7:30am to 8:10am

 Breakfast opens at 7:30am and offers a wide array of entrees, fruit, juice and milk.



Each day there are many options to choose from.  Our main two serving lines offer the daily featured entrée with another choice.  The self-serve line offers different kinds of sandwiches, pizzas and other entrees as well as subs and pre-made salads that are located in the cooler.

  *Students at lunch may purchase extra items in conjunction with their meal such as an extra entrée, or a milk to go with their lunch from home providing they have money in their account.  These items may not be charged.  

   This building also offers a variety of snacks and drinks that meet the smart snack requirements that may also be purchased if they have money in their account.



Forms & Policies
Food Service Menus
White Cloud Public Schools has partnered with Nutrislice to provide you with menus and nutritional information.  You can access the new menus here.